Family Friendly Hotels on Expedia For TD

Stay flexible

Enjoy booking flexibility and filter your search by free cancellation when booking a stay in case your plans change.

Why is it important to have travel flexibility?

At Expedia For TD, we don't want customers to be left without options. It's important to us that customers are able to change their plans. Situations around the world change quickly, and sometimes that means postponing or changing our travel plans. As long as you make sure that you book with the option of free cancellation, you'll be protecting your wallet. To learn more about our policies, visit our Customer service portal.

Cleaning and Safety Practices

Explore a property’s amenities when booking your next stay to see the enhanced cleanliness, social distancing and safety measures & precautions the property is taking to ensure your health & safety.   

Why Book with Expedia For TD

1. Book travel with confidence: Make the most out of every trip with Earn TD points faster with eligible TD credit cards.2   Redeem your TD points to pay for all or part of your trip4. Conditions apply.

2. One-stop vacation planning: Plan everything in one stop, from flights to hotels, car rentals and attractions. Make the most out of every trip.


3. Price Guarantee: Find a cheaper identical trip within 24 hours of booking a package (flight + hotel) or a cheaper hotel rate up to 48 hours before check-in, Expedia will refund the difference. Conditions apply5

Terms and Conditions: 

1Hotel offers are only available at participating Expedia For TD Special Rate hotels and may vary by length of stay. Please see specific details for each of the properties listed above by clicking the hotel of interest. Search with your preferred travel dates to view the discounted rates applicable for your stay. The hotel discounts advertised on this promotion page apply to selected properties only and all rates are subject to availability. The discounted property rates can also be accessed via searching on the Home page. Prices are per double-room including all taxes and fees. Offers are subject to availability and may be discontinued without notice. Additional restrictions may apply.

2 TD First Class Travel Cardholders earn 8 TD Rewards Points for every dollar spent on travel Purchases made online or by phone through Expedia For TD. TD Platinum Cardholders earn 6 TD Rewards Points for every dollar spent on travel purchases made online or by phone through Expedia For TD. TD Rewards Cardholders earn 4 TD Rewards Points for every dollar spent on travel purchases made online or by phone through Expedia For TD. TD Business Travel Cardholders earn 9 TD Rewards Points for every dollar spent on travel purchases made online through Expedia For TD and 6 TD Rewards Points for every dollar spent on travel purchases made by phone through Expedia For TD. Any returned items, refunds, rebates or other similar credits will reduce or cancel the TD Rewards Points earned on the original Travel Purchase. Fees, Cash Advances (including Balance Transfers, Cash-Like Transactions and TD Visa Cheques), interest charges, optional service, refunds, rebates or other similar credits do not earn TD Rewards Points. Other Conditions: Offer may be changed, withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be combined with any other offer.

3 TD Points and TD Rewards Points must be redeemed in minimum 200-point increments for travel Purchases charged to your Card that are booked online or by phone through Expedia For TD. For travel Purchases charged to your Card that are not booked through Expedia For TD, TD Points and TD Rewards Points must be redeemed in minimum increments of 200 or 250-points as fully explained in the Cardholder Agreement and Benefit Coverages Guide for your Card. We can decrease the required minimum point redemption increment at any time.

4 Expedia's Price Guarantee applies to hotel bookings made via the website or by telephone via Expedia For TD's call centre and are pre-paid to Expedia For TD at the time of booking. To take advantage of Expedia’s Best Price Guarantee, you must submit a claim online at Expedia For TD within the eligibility period of booking. The claim will be reviewed and in the unlikely event that you find a lower price (including all applicable taxes and fees) for the same booking on Expedia For TD or on a Canadian-based website within the eligibility period of booking with,  Expedia will credit or refund to you the difference. For the full Terms and Conditions of Expedia's Price Guarantee, visit